Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Update of the new novel 'The Liberty Bodice'

I thought I was there with 'The Liberty Bodice' only to find that it needs more edit,edit,edit. Funny thing with writing you give it your all and then need to squeeze out yet more. With all the re-writes and edits, and proofing I hope there is still a story left. I want it to be a good read, so I really don't mind all the comments, to help me get there. Went to see Auntie Peggy today, well for the first time that I can remember she has had to come off the alcohol. At first I thought this to be unkind to an 88yr. old, who has drunk alcohol all of her adult life, but she looked so well and didn't seem to be missing it at all. She did however mention that someone might slip her some in clandestinely. I hope matron doesn't see.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Hello, I must tell you how my latest novel is coming along. It's a bit slow, but was in need of more edit,edit,edit. That's apparently the key. It should be absolutely A.O.K. when finished. Enjoy the rest of this week, weather here in the U.K. is changing from the high temperatures and balmy days to being colder and extremely windy down here in the South of England. Goodbye for now. Joy

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Link to my book 'Figs,Vines and Roses'

This is the link to find my book.'Figs, Vines and Roses' I hope you enjoy the read and I would be most grateful if you could give me a review.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Good afternoon, I am still putting the final touches to my next novel 'The Liberty Bodice.' Then I need to find a publisher. That is always more difficult than you would think.
I do have a few contacts, and hope that the book will be published as both an eread and a paperback.
Keep watching this page and I will let you know as soon as the work is published.
I would be grateful to anyone who has read my previous book 'Figs, Vines and Roses.'to leave a review. I have just the one and that is a 5 star review.

Many thanks and have a great week.